Model Number Description Your Price Purchase
RTE1024 Digital oscilloscope, 4 channels, 200 MHz bandwidth, sampling rate 5 GSa/s per ch, memory depth 50 MSa per ch./ max 200 MSa (1 ch, ) up to 16 bit vertical resolution four 500 MHz passive voltage probes N/A


RTE1032 Digital oscilloscope, 2 channels, 350 MHz bandwidth, sampling rate 5 GSa/s per ch, memory depth 50 MSa per ch./ max 100 MSa (1ch.) up to 16 bit vertical resolution two 500 MHz passive voltage probes N/A


RTE1034 Digital oscilloscope, 4 channels, 350 MHz bandwidth, sampling rate 5 GSa/s per ch, memory depth 50 MSa per ch./ max 200 MSa (1 ch.) up to 16 bit vertical resolution four 500 MHz passive voltage probes N/A


RTE1052 Digital oscilloscope, 2 channels, 500 MHz bandwidth, sampling rate 5 GSa/s per ch, memory depth 50 MSa per ch./ max 100 MSa (1 ch.) up to 16 bit vertical resolution two 500 MHz passive voltage probes N/A


RTE1054 Digital oscilloscope, 4 channels, 500 MHz bandwidth, sampling rate 5 GSa/s per ch, memory depth 50 MSa per ch./ max 200 MSa (1 ch.) up to 16 bit vertical resolution four 500 MHz passive voltage probes N/A


RTE1102 Digital oscilloscope, 2 channels, 1 GHz bandwidth, sampling rate 5 GSa/s per ch, memory depth 50 MSa per ch./ max 100 MSa (1 ch.) up to 16 bit vertical resolution two 500 MHz passive voltage probes N/A


RTE1104 Digital oscilloscope, 4 channels, 1 GHz bandwidth, sampling rate 5 GSa/s per ch, memory depth 50 MSa per ch./ max 200 MSa (1 ch.) up to 16 bit vertical resolution four 500 MHz passive voltage probes N/A


RTE1152 Digital oscilloscope, 2 channels, 1.5 GHz bandwidth, sampling rate 5 GSa/s per ch, memory depth 50 MSa per ch./ max 100 MSa (1 ch.) up to 16 bit vertical resolution two 500 MHz passive voltage probes N/A


RTE1154 Digital oscilloscope, 4 channels, 1.5 GHz bandwidth, sampling rate 5 GSa/s per ch, memory depth 50 MSa per ch./ max 200 MSa (1 ch.) up to 16 bit vertical resolution four 500 MHz passive voltage probes N/A


RTE1202 Digital oscilloscope, 2 channels, 2 GHz bandwidth, sampling rate 5 GSa/s per ch, memory depth 50 MSa per ch./ max 100 MSa (1 ch.) up to 16 bit vertical resolution two 500 MHz passive voltage probes N/A


RTE1204 Digital oscilloscope, 4 channels, 2 GHz bandwidth, sampling rate 5 GSa/s per ch, memory depth 50 MSa per ch./ max 200 MSa (1 ch.) up to 16 bit vertical resolution four 500 MHz passive voltage probes N/A


RTE-B1 Mixed Signal 400MHz, 5GSa/s, 16 channels 100MSa per channel for R and S RTE digital oscilloscopes with ID: 1326.2000.xx, retrofittable, cannot be combined with R and S RTE-B10 GPIB option (hardware option) N/A


RTE-B10 GPIB interface, for R and S RTE digital oscilloscopes (retrofittable, can not be combined with R and S RTE-B1 MSO option) (hardware option) N/A


RTE-B101 Memory upgrade 20MSa per channel (for models 1317.2500xx) (software license) N/A


RTE-B102 Memory upgrade 50MSa per channel (for models 1317.2500xx) (software license) N/A


RTE-B18 Replacement SSD, incl. firmware, for R and S RTE oscilloscopes with Windows 10 (hardware option) N/A


RTE-B19 Hard disk for exchange incl. firmware, for R and S RTE oscilloscopes with Windows 7 (hardware option) N/A


RTE-B1E Digital Extension Port for R and S RTE with ID 1317.2500.xx and ID 1326.2000.xx recommended for R and S RT-ZVC02 and R and S RT-ZVC04 Hardware N/A


RTE-B200 Upgrade of R and S RTE1022/4 oscilloscopes to 350MHz bandwidth, (for models 1326.2000xx) (software license) N/A


RTE-B201 Upgrade of R and S RTE1022/4 oscilloscopes to 500MHz bandwidth, (for models 1326.2000xx) (software license) N/A


RTE-B202 Upgrade of R and S RTE1022/4 oscilloscopes to 1GHz bandwidth, (for models 1326.2000xx) (software license) N/A


RTE-B203 Upgrade of R and S RTE1022/4 oscilloscopes to 1.5GHz bandwidth, (for models 1326.2000xx) (software license) N/A


RTE-B204 Upgrade of R and S RTE1022/4 oscilloscopes to 2GHz bandwidth, (for models 1326.2000xx) (software license) N/A


RTE-B205 Upgrade of R and S RTE1032/4 oscilloscopes to 500MHz bandwidth, (for models 1326.2000xx) (software license) N/A


RTE-B206 Upgrade of R and S RTE1032/4 oscilloscopes to 1GHz bandwidth, (for models 1326.2000xx) (software license) N/A


RTE-B207 Upgrade of R and S RTE1052/4 oscilloscopes to 1GHz bandwidth, incl. calibration (for models 1317.2500xx) (hardware option) N/A


RTE-B208 Upgrade of R and S RTE1032/4 oscilloscopes to 2GHz bandwidth, (for models 1326.2000xx) (software license) N/A


RTE-B209 Upgrade of R and S RTE1052/4 oscilloscopes to 1GHz bandwidth, (for models 1326.2000xx) (software license) N/A


RTE-B210 Upgrade of R and S RTE1052/4 oscilloscopes to 1.5GHz bandwidth, (for models 1326.2000xx) (software license) N/A


RTE-B211 Upgrade of R and S RTE1052/4 oscilloscopes to 2GHz bandwidth, (for models 1326.2000xx) (software license) N/A


RTE-B212 Upgrade of R and S RTE1102/4 oscilloscopes to 1.5GHz bandwidth, (for models 1326.2000xx) (software license) N/A


RTE-B213 Upgrade of R and S RTE1102/4 oscilloscopes to 2GHz bandwidth, (for models 1326.2000xx) (software license) N/A


RTE-B214 Upgrade of R and S RTE1152/4 oscilloscopes to 2GHz bandwidth, (for models 1326.2000xx) (software license) N/A


RTE-B6 Arbitrary Waveform and Pattern Generator with 14 bit resolution, 2 analog channels, 8 digital channels, 100 MHz bandwidth, 40 MSa/Ch memory, 500 MSa/s sampling rate N/A


RTE-COM4 RTE1204 promotional package – 4 channel / 2GHz, with several options: MSO, trigger/decode, spectrum analysis, power analysis, protocol decoding extension
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RTE-K1 I2C/SPI serial triggering and decoding (for models 1317.2500xx) (software license) N/A


RTE-K10 SENT serial triggering and decoding (for models 1317.2500.xx) (software license) N/A


RTE-K17 High definition, vertical resolution up to 16 bit (for models 1317.2500xx) (software license) N/A


RTE-K18 Multi-channel spectrum analysis function with spectrogram and peak-list display for models 1326.2000.xx (software license) N/A


RTE-K2 UART/RS-232/RS-422/RS-485 serial triggering and decoding (for models 1317.2500xx) (software license) N/A


RTE-K3 CAN/LIN serial triggering and decoding (for models 1317.2500xx) (software license) N/A


RTE-K31 Power analysis (for models 1317.2500xx) (software license) N/A


RTE-K35 Extension of protocol decoding by automated bus measurements and graph of protocol data of I2C, SPI, RS232/UART, CAN, CAN-FD, LIN, SENT, 100BASE-Tx and 100BASE-T1. Requires corresponding protocol decoding option. (software license) N/A


RTE-K4 FlexRay serial triggering and decoding (for models 1317.2500xx) (software license) N/A


RTE-K5 I2S/LJ/RJ/TDM serial triggering and decoding (for models 1317.2500xx) (software license) N/A


RTE-K50 Manchester and NRZ serial triggering and decoding (for models 1317.2500.xx) (software license) N/A


RTE-K55 MDIO serial triggering and decoding (for models 1317.2500xx) (software license) N/A


RTE-K57 IEEE 100BASE-T1/BroadR-Reach serial triggering and decoding (for models 1326.2000.xx) (software license) N/A


RTE-K6 MIL-1553 serial triggering and decoding (for models 1317.2500xx) (software license) N/A


RTE-K60 R and S RTE-K60 USB 2.0/HSIC serial triggering and decoding (for models 1317.2500xx) (software license) N/A


RTE-K63 USB Power Delivery (USB-PD) serial triggering and decoding (for models 1317.2500.xx) (software license) N/A


RTE-K65 SpaceWire serial triggering and decoding (for models 1317.2500.xx) (software license) N/A


RTE-K7 ARINC 429 serial triggering and decoding (for models 1317.2500xx) (software license) N/A


RTE-K76 CXPI serial triggering and decoding (for models 1317.2500.xx) (software license) N/A


RTE-K8 10/100BASE-T Ethernet serial decoding (for models 1317.2500xx) (software license) N/A


RTE-K9 CAN-FD extension of R and S RTE-K3 CAN serial triggering and decoding requires R and S RTE-K3 CAN T and D license (for models 1317.2500xx) (software license) N/A


RTE-PKUP1 RTE Upgrade Package 1, enhances RTE with RTE-K17 High Definition, RTE-B102 Memory Option 50 Msa Requires RTE SN<300.000 (unregistered license) N/A


RTE-PKUP2 RTE Upgrade Package 2, enhances RTE with RTE-K17 High Definition, RTE-B102 Memory Option 50 Msa and RTE-B18 Solid State Drive Requires RTE SN<300.000
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RTE-TDBNDL Trigger and Decode Bundle, consisting of I2C/SPI (RTE-K1), UART/RS232 (RTE-K2), CAN/LIN (RTE-K3), FlexRay (RTE-K4), I2S (RTE-K5), MIL (RTE-K6), ARINC (RTE-K7), Ethernet (RTE-K8), CAN-FD (RTE-K9), SENT (RTE-K10), Custom (RTE-K50), MDIO (RTE-K55), 100BASE-T1 (RTE-K57), USB2.0 (RTE-K60), USB-PD (RTE-K63), SpaceWire (RTE-K65) and CXPI (RTE-K76) (software license) N/A


RTE-U2 Windows 10 upgrade kit for R and S RTE1000 oscilloscopes with MatNr. 1326.2000.xy Contains: - PC upgrade - Windows 10 license (upgrade) Not including service charges N/A


RTH-02FP02 R&S RTH1002 Scope Rider 60 MHz, 2 channel oscilloscope
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RTH-02LP02 Package RTH1002 Lab Memory Promotion Contains serialized product+options: R and S RTH1002 oscilloscope 2ch 1317.5000K02 consisting of: - R and S RTH1002 oscilloscope 2 ch - R and S RTH-B1 mixed-signal-opt. 250 MHz - R and S RTH-K1 I2C/SPI trigger and decode - R and S RTH-K15 history and segmented memory - R and S RTH-K19 advanced trigger - R and S RTH-K2 UART/RS232 trigger and decode
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RTH-04FP04 Package RTH1004 Field Memory Promotion Contains serialized product+options: R and S RTH1004 oscilloscope 4ch 1317.5000K04 consisting of: - R and S RTH1004 oscilloscope 4 ch - R and S HA-Z302 car adaptor - R and S HA-Z303 battery charger - R and S RT-ZA21 extended access. RT-ZI10 - R and S RTH-K15 history and segmented memory - R and S RTH-K200 Wireless LAN - R and S RTH-K201 web interf. remote cntrl - R and S RTH-Z4 carrying case
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RTH1002 2 channel, 60 MHz handheld oscilloscope, 5 GSa/s, 10-bit ADC
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RTH1002-BW Package RTH1002 Bundeswehr Tender Contains serialized product+options: RTH1002 OSCILLOSCOPE 2CH 1317.5000.02 consisting of: - R and S RTH1002, 2 Ch, 60 MHz - R and S RTH-B224, 500 MHZ OPTION - RTH-Z4 CARRYING CASE - RT-ZA24 ACCESSORY KIT FOR RT-ZHD Versorgungsnummer 6625-12-416-9819 Teilekennzeichen 1802.9709P02 Planungsnummer 6625-07970 Vertragsnummer Q/S2AI/R8457
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RTH1002MSO 2 channel, 60 MHz handheld mixed signal oscilloscope, 5 GSa/s, 10-bit ADC
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RTH1004 4 channel, 60 MHz handheld oscilloscope, 5 GSa/s, 10-bit ADC
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RTH1004MSO 4 channel, 60 MHz handheld mixed signal oscilloscope, 5 GSa/s, 10-bit ADC
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RTH1012 2 channel, 100 MHz handheld oscilloscope, 5 GSa/s, 10-bit ADC
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RTH1012MSO 2 channel, 100 MHz handheld mixed signal oscilloscope, 5 GSa/s, 10-bit ADC
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RTH1014 4 channel, 100 MHz handheld oscilloscope, 5 GSa/s, 10-bit ADC
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RTH1014MSO 4 channel, 100 MHz handheld mixed signal oscilloscope, 5 GSa/s, 10-bit ADC
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RTH1022 2 channel, 200 MHz handheld oscilloscope, 5 GSa/s, 10-bit ADC
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RTH1022MSO 2 channel, 200 MHz handheld mixed signal oscilloscope, 5 GSa/s, 10-bit ADC
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RTH1024 4 channel, 200 MHz handheld oscilloscope, 5 GSa/s, 10-bit ADC
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RTH1024MSO 4 channel, 200 MHz handheld mixed signal oscilloscope, 5 GSa/s, 10-bit ADC
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RTH1032 2 channel, 350 MHz handheld oscilloscope, 5 GSa/s, 10-bit ADC
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RTH1032MSO 2 channel, 350 MHz handheld mixed signal oscilloscope, 5 GSa/s, 10-bit ADC
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RTH1034 4 channel, 350 MHz handheld oscilloscope, 5 GSa/s, 10-bit ADC
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RTH1034MSO 4 channel, 350 MHz handheld mixed signal oscilloscope, 5 GSa/s, 10-bit ADC
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RTH1052 2 channel, 500 MHz handheld oscilloscope, 5 GSa/s, 10-bit ADC
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RTH1052MSO 2 channel, 500 MHz handheld mixed signal oscilloscope, 5 GSa/s, 10-bit ADC
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RTH1054 4 channel, 500 MHz handheld oscilloscope, 5 GSa/s, 10-bit ADC
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RTH1054MSO 4 channel, 500 MHz handheld mixed signal oscilloscope, 5 GSa/s, 10-bit ADC
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RTH-12FP12 Package RTH1002 Field Memory Promotion Contains serialized product+options: R and S RTH1002 oscilloscope 2ch 1317.5000K02 consisting of: - R and S RTH1002 oscilloscope 2 ch - R and S RTH-B221 100 MHz option, RTH1002 - R and S HA-Z302 car adaptor - R and S HA-Z303 battery charger - R and S RT-ZA21 extended access. RT-ZI10 - R and S RTH-K15 history and segmented memory - R and S RTH-K200 Wireless LAN - R and S RTH-K201 web interf. remote cntrl - R and S RTH-Z4 carrying case
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RTH-12LP12 Package RTH1002 Lab Memory Promotion Contains serialized product+options: R and S RTH1002 oscilloscope 2ch 1317.5000K02 consisting of: - R and S RTH1002 oscilloscope 2 ch - R and S RTH-B221 100 MHz option, RTH1002 - R and S RTH-B1 mixed-signal-opt. 250 MHz - R and S RTH-K1 I2C/SPI trigger and decode - R and S RTH-K15 history and segmented memory - R and S RTH-K19 advanced trigger - R and S RTH-K2 UART/RS232 trigger and decode
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RTH-14FP14 Package RTH1004 Field Memory Promotion Contains serialized product+options: R and S RTH1004 oscilloscope 4ch 1317.5000K04 consisting of: - R and S RTH1004 oscilloscope 4 ch - R and S RTH-B241 100 MHz option, RTH1004 - R and S HA-Z302 car adaptor - R and S HA-Z303 battery charger - R and S RT-ZA21 extended access. RT-ZI10 - R and S RTH-K15 history and segmented memory - R and S RTH-K200 Wireless LAN - R and S RTH-K201 web interf. remote cntrl - R and S RTH-Z4 carrying case
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RTH-14LP14 Package RTH1004 Lab Memory Promotion Contains serialized product+options: R and S RTH1004 oscilloscope 4ch 1317.5000K04 consisting of: - R and S RTH1004 oscilloscope 4 ch - R and S RTH-B241 100 MHz option, RTH1004 - R and S RTH-B1 mixed-signal-opt. 250 MHz - R and S RTH-K1 I2C/SPI trigger and decode - R and S RTH-K15 history and segmented memory - R and S RTH-K19 advanced trigger - R and S RTH-K2 UART/RS232 trigger and decode
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RTH-22FP22 Package RTH1002 Field Memory Promotion Contains serialized product+options: R and S RTH1002 oscilloscope 2ch 1317.5000K02 consisting of: - R and S RTH1002 oscilloscope 2 ch - R and S RTH-B222 200 MHz option, RTH1002 - R and S HA-Z302 car adaptor - R and S HA-Z303 battery charger - R and S RT-ZA21 extended access. RT-ZI10 - R and S RTH-K15 history and segmented memory - R and S RTH-K200 Wireless LAN - R and S RTH-K201 web interf. remote cntrl - R and S RTH-Z4 carrying case
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RTH-22LP22 Package RTH1002 Lab Memory Promotion Contains serialized product+options: R and S RTH1002 oscilloscope 2ch 1317.5000K02 consisting of: - R and S RTH1002 oscilloscope 2 ch - R and S RTH-B222 200 MHz option, RTH1002 - R and S RTH-B1 mixed-signal-opt. 250 MHz - R and S RTH-K1 I2C/SPI trigger and decode - R and S RTH-K15 history and segmented memory - R and S RTH-K19 advanced trigger - R and S RTH-K2 UART/RS232 trigger and decode
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RTH-24FP24 Package RTH1004 Field Memory Promotion Contains serialized product+options: R and S RTH1004 oscilloscope 4ch 1317.5000K04 consisting of: - R and S RTH1004 oscilloscope 4 ch - R and S RTH-B242 200 MHz option, RTH1004 - R and S HA-Z302 car adaptor - R and S HA-Z303 battery charger - R and S RT-ZA21 extended access. RT-ZI10 - R and S RTH-K15 history and segmented memory - R and S RTH-K200 Wireless LAN - R and S RTH-K201 web interf. remote cntrl - R and S RTH-Z4 carrying case
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RTH-24LP24 Package RTH1004 Lab Memory Promotion Contains serialized product+options: R and S RTH1004 oscilloscope 4ch 1317.5000K04 consisting of: - R and S RTH1004 oscilloscope 4 ch - R and S RTH-B242 200 MHz option, RTH1004 - R and S RTH-B1 mixed-signal-opt. 250 MHz - R and S RTH-K1 I2C/SPI trigger and decode - R and S RTH-K15 history and segmented memory - R and S RTH-K19 advanced trigger - R and S RTH-K2 UART/RS232 trigger and decode
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RTH-32FP32 Package RTH1002 Field Memory Promotion Contains serialized product+options: R and S RTH1002 oscilloscope 2ch 1317.5000K02 consisting of: - R and S RTH1002 oscilloscope 2 ch - R and S RTH-B223 350 MHz option, RTH1002 - R and S HA-Z302 car adaptor - R and S HA-Z303 battery charger - R and S RT-ZA21 extended access. RT-ZI10 - R and S RTH-K15 history and segmented memory - R and S RTH-K200 Wireless LAN - R and S RTH-K201 web interf. remote cntrl - R and S RTH-Z4 carrying case
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RTH-32LP32 Package RTH1002 Lab Memory Promotion Contains serialized product+options: R and S RTH1002 oscilloscope 2ch 1317.5000K02 consisting of: - R and S RTH1002 oscilloscope 2 ch - R and S RTH-B223 350 MHz option, RTH1002 - R and S RTH-B1 mixed-signal-opt. 250 MHz - R and S RTH-K1 I2C/SPI trigger and decode - R and S RTH-K15 history and segmented memory - R and S RTH-K19 advanced trigger - R and S RTH-K2 UART/RS232 trigger and decode
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RTH-34FP34 Package RTH1004 Field Memory Promotion Contains serialized product+options: R and S RTH1004 oscilloscope 4ch 1317.5000K04 consisting of: - R and S RTH1004 oscilloscope 4 ch - R and S RTH-B243 350 MHz option, RTH1004 - R and S HA-Z302 car adaptor - R and S HA-Z303 battery charger - R and S RT-ZA21 extended access. RT-ZI10 - R and S RTH-K15 history and segmented memory - R and S RTH-K200 Wireless LAN - R and S RTH-K201 web interf. remote cntrl - R and S RTH-Z4 carrying case
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RTH-34LP34 Package RTH1004 Lab Memory Promotion Contains serialized product+options: R and S RTH1004 oscilloscope 4ch 1317.5000K04 consisting of: - R and S RTH1004 oscilloscope 4 ch - R and S RTH-B243 350 MHz option, RTH1004 - R and S RTH-B1 mixed-signal-opt. 250 MHz - R and S RTH-K1 I2C/SPI trigger and decode - R and S RTH-K15 history and segmented memory - R and S RTH-K19 advanced trigger - R and S RTH-K2 UART/RS232 trigger and decode
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RTH-52FP52 Package RTH1002 Field Memory Promotion Contains serialized product+options: R and S RTH1002 oscilloscope 2ch 1317.5000K02 consisting of: - R and S RTH1002 oscilloscope 2 ch - R and S RTH-B224 500 MHz option, RTH1002 - R and S HA-Z302 car adaptor - R and S HA-Z303 battery charger - R and S RT-ZA21 extended access. RT-ZI10 - R and S RTH-K15 history and segmented memory - R and S RTH-K200 Wireless LAN - R and S RTH-K201 web interf. remote cntrl - R and S RTH-Z4 carrying case
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RTH-52LP52 Package RTH1002 Lab Memory Promotion Contains serialized product+options: R and S RTH1002 oscilloscope 2ch 1317.5000K02 consisting of: - R and S RTH1002 oscilloscope 2 ch - R and S RTH-B224 500 MHz option, RTH1002 - R and S RTH-B1 mixed-signal-opt. 250 MHz - R and S RTH-K1 I2C/SPI trigger and decode - R and S RTH-K15 history and segmented memory - R and S RTH-K19 advanced trigger - R and S RTH-K2 UART/RS232 trigger and decode
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RTH-54FP54 Package RTH1004 Field Memory Promotion Contains serialized product+options: R and S RTH1004 oscilloscope 4ch 1317.5000K04 consisting of: - R and S RTH1004 oscilloscope 4 ch - R and S RTH-B244 500 MHz option, RTH1004 - R and S HA-Z302 car adaptor - R and S HA-Z303 battery charger - R and S RT-ZA21 extended access. RT-ZI10 - R and S RTH-K15 history and segmented memory - R and S RTH-K200 Wireless LAN - R and S RTH-K201 web interf. remote cntrl - R and S RTH-Z4 carrying case
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RTH-54LP54 Package RTH1004 Lab Memory Promotion Contains serialized product+options: R and S RTH1004 oscilloscope 4ch 1317.5000K04 consisting of: - R and S RTH1004 oscilloscope 4 ch - R and S RTH-B244 500 MHz option, RTH1004 - R and S RTH-B1 mixed-signal-opt. 250 MHz - R and S RTH-K1 I2C/SPI trigger and decode - R and S RTH-K15 history and segmented memory - R and S RTH-K19 advanced trigger - R and S RTH-K2 UART/RS232 trigger and decode
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RTH-ACA DAkkS(formerly DKD) calibration according to ISO 17025 and ISO 9000, for R and SRTH1002 and R and SRTH1004 (order only with device) N/A


RTH-B1 Mixed signal option for RTH1002 / RTH1004
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RTH-B1.03 Mixed Signal Option, 250 MHz, 1.25 GS/s, 8 channels, 125 kSa/channel (4-channel-RTH), 250 kSa/channel (2-channel-RTH) for R And SRTH1002 and R And SRTH1004 oscilloscope,(hardware option and unregistered license) N/A


RTH-B221 100 MHz Bandwidth upgrade for the R&S RTH1002
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RTH-B221.03 100 MHz Bandwidth upgrade for the R And SRTH1002 (unregistered license) N/A


RTH-B222 200 MHz Bandwidth upgrade for the R&S RTH1002
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RTH-B222.03 200 MHz Bandwidth upgrade for the R And SRTH1002 (unregistered license) N/A


RTH-B223 350 MHz Bandwidth upgrade for the R&S RTH1002
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RTH-B223.03 350 MHz Bandwidth upgrade for the R And SRTH1002 (unregistered license) N/A


RTH-B224 500 MHz Bandwidth upgrade for the R&S RTH1002
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RTH-B224.03 500 MHz Bandwidth upgrade for the R And SRTH1002 (unregistered license) N/A


RTH-B241 100 MHz Bandwidth upgrade for the R&S RTH1004
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RTH-B241.03 100 MHz Bandwidth upgrade for the R And SRTH1004 (unregistered license) N/A


RTH-B242 200 MHz Bandwidth upgrade for the R&S RTH1004
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RTH-B242.03 200 MHz Bandwidth upgrade for the R And SRTH1004 (unregistered license) N/A


RTH-B243 350 MHz Bandwidth upgrade for the R&S RTH1004
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RTH-B243.03 350 MHz Bandwidth upgrade for the R And SRTH1004 (unregistered license) N/A


RTH-B244 500 MHz Bandwidth upgrade for the R&S RTH1004
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RTH-B244.03 500 MHz Bandwidth upgrade for the R And SRTH1004 (unregistered license) N/A


RTH-COM4US 4 channel, 500 MHz handheld mixed signal oscilloscope - with RTH-PK1, RTH-K200 and RTH-K201
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RTH-K1 I2C/SPI serial triggering and decoding option for RTH1002 / RTH1004
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RTH-K1.03 I2C/SPI serial triggering and decoding for R And SRTH1002 und R And SRTH1004 (unregistered license) N/A


RTH-K10 SENT serial triggering and decoding option for RTH1002 / RTH1004
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RTH-K15 History and segmented memory option for RTH1002 / RTH1004
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RTH-K15.03 History and segmented memory (unregistered license) N/A


RTH-K18 Spectrum analysis option for RTH1002 / RTH1004
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RTH-K19 Advanced triggering functionality option for RTH1002 / RTH1004
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RTH-K19.03 Advanced trigger functionality for R And SRTH1002 and R And SRTH1004 (unregistered license) N/A


RTH-K2 UART/RS232 serial triggering and decoding option for RTH1002 / RTH1004
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RTH-K2.03 UART/RS232 serial triggering and decoding for R And SRTH1002 and R And SRTH1004 (unregistered license) N/A


RTH-K200 Wireless LAN module, full remote control functionality requires additionally the software option RTH-K201 (software license)
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RTH-K200.03 Wireless LAN module (unregistered license) N/A


RTH-K200US Wireless LAN, only US, and Canada (software license)
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RTH-K200US.03 Wireless LAN, nur US and Canada (unregistered license) N/A


RTH-K201 Web Interface Remote Control for R and S RTH1002 and R and S RTH1004 (software license)
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RTH-K201.03 Web Interface Remote Control for R And SRTH1002 and R And SRTH1004 (unregistered license) N/A


RTH-K3 CAN/LIN serial triggering and decoding option for RTH1002 / RTH1004
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RTH-K33 Frequency counter option for RTH1002 / RTH1004
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RTH-K34 Harmonic analysis option for RTH1002 / RTH1004
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RTH-K38 Programmable Javascript for R and S RTH models Software license (registered license)
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RTH-K9 CAN-FD serial triggering and decoding option for RTH1002 / RTH1004
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RTH-PK1 Application Bundle including RTH-K1, RTH-K2, RTH-K3, RTH-K9, RTH-K10, RTH-K15, RTH-K18, RTH-K19, RTH-K33, RTH-K34 and RTH-K201
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RTH-PKAUTO Automotive options package for RTH1002 / RTH1004 – CAN/LIN, CAN-FD and SENT
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RTH-PKPWR Power / Electronics options package for RTH1002 / RTH1004 – history mode, advanced triggering and harmonic analysis
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RTH-Z4 Hard shell protective carrying case for R and S RTH Scope Rider and R and S FPH Spectrum Rider, size: 455 mm x 368 mm x 166 mm (accessories)
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RTH-ZELEC Industrial-Package consisting of R and S RTH-Z4 carrying case, R and S HA-Z303 battery charger and R and S HA-Z306 Lithium-ion battery pack 6.4Ah for R and S RTH models
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RTM3002 2 channel, 100 MHz DSO, 10-bit ADC, up to 5 GSa/s, up to 80 MSa
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RTM3004 4 channel, 100 MHz DSO, 10-bit ADC, up to 5 GSa/s, up to 80 MSa
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RTM3004-OB Digital 4 channel oscilloscope, 100 MHz bandwidth(upgradable up to 1GHz)sampling rate up to 5 GSa/s, sample memory up to 80MSa,ADC resolution 10 bit,10&quot;capa- citives touch,4*passive 500 MHz probes - <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>This open box item may be missing original packaging, missing some small accessories or a lightly used demo unit.</strong></span> N/A


RTM3K-02 Package RTM3002 digital oscilloscope 2 channels, 100 MHz Contains serialized product+options: R and S RTM3002 digital oscilloscope 1317.5000K02 consisting of: - R and S RTM3002 oscilloscope 2 channel
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RTM3K-02M 100 MHz MSO, 2 analog / 16 digital channels, 10-bit ADC, up to 5 GSa/s, up to 80 MSa
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RTM3K-04 Package RTM3004 digital oscilloscope 4 channels, 100 MHz Contains serialized product+options: R and S RTM3004 digital oscilloscope 1317.5000K04 consisting of: - R and S RTM3004 oscilloscope 4 channel
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RTM3K-04M 100 MHz MSO, 4 analog / 16 digital channels, 10-bit ADC, up to 5 GSa/s, up to 80 MSa
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RTM3K-102 2 channel, 1 GHz DSO, 10-bit ADC, up to 5 GSa/s, up to 80 MSa
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RTM3K-102M 1 GHz MSO, 2 analog / 16 digital channels, 10-bit ADC, up to 5 GSa/s, up to 80 MSa
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RTM3K-104 4 channel, 1 GHz DSO, 10-bit ADC, up to 5 GSa/s, up to 80 MSa
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RTM3K-104M 1 GHz MSO, 4 analog / 16 digital channels, 10-bit ADC, up to 5 GSa/s, up to 80 MSa
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RTM3K-22 2 channel, 200 MHz DSO, 10-bit ADC, up to 5 GSa/s, up to 80 MSa
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RTM3K-22M 200 MHz MSO, 2 analog / 16 digital channels, 10-bit ADC, up to 5 GSa/s, up to 80 MSa
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RTM3K-24 4 channel, 200 MHz DSO, 10-bit ADC, up to 5 GSa/s, up to 80 MSa
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RTM3K-24M 200 MHz MSO, 4 analog / 16 digital channels, 10-bit ADC, up to 5 GSa/s, up to 80 MSa
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RTM3K-32 2 channel, 350 MHz DSO, 10-bit ADC, up to 5 GSa/s, up to 80 MSa
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RTM3K-32M 350 MHz MSO, 2 analog / 16 digital channels, 10-bit ADC, up to 5 GSa/s, up to 80 MSa
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RTM3K-34 4 channel, 350 MHz DSO, 10-bit ADC, up to 5 GSa/s, up to 80 MSa
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RTM3K-34M 350 MHz MSO, 4 analog / 16 digital channels, 10-bit ADC, up to 5 GSa/s, up to 80 MSa
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RTM3K-4ZC 4 channel, 100 MHz DSO, 10-bit ADC, up to 5 GSa/s, up to 80 MSa - with RTM-PK1 Application Bundle and RT-ZC15B 50 MHz Current Probe N/A


RTM3K-4ZD1 4 channel, 100 MHz DSO, 10-bit ADC, up to 5 GSa/s, up to 80 MSa - with RTM-PK1 Application Bundle and RT-ZD02 200 MHz Active Differential Probe N/A


RTM3K-4ZD2 4 channel, 100 MHz DSO, 10-bit ADC, up to 5 GSa/s, up to 80 MSa - with RTM-PK1 Application Bundle and RT-ZD10 1 GHz Active Differential Probe N/A


RTM3K-4ZHD 4 channel, 100 MHz DSO, 10-bit ADC, up to 5 GSa/s, up to 80 MSa - with RTM-PK1 Application Bundle and RT-ZHD07 200 MHz High Voltage Differential Probe N/A


RTM3K-4ZPR 4 channel, 100 MHz DSO, 10-bit ADC, up to 5 GSa/s, up to 80 MSa - with RTM-PK1 Application Bundle and RT-ZPR20 2 GHz Power Rail Probe N/A


RTM3K-4ZS 4 channel, 100 MHz DSO, 10-bit ADC, up to 5 GSa/s, up to 80 MSa - with RTM-PK1 Application Bundle and RT-ZS10 1 GHz Active Probe
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RTM3K-52 2 channel, 500 MHz DSO, 10-bit ADC, up to 5 GSa/s, up to 80 MSa
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RTM3K-52M 500 MHz MSO, 2 analog / 16 digital channels, 10-bit ADC, up to 5 GSa/s, up to 80 MSa
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RTM3K-54 4 channel, 500 MHz DSO, 10-bit ADC, up to 5 GSa/s, up to 80 MSa
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RTM3K-54M 500 MHz MSO, 4 analog / 16 digital channels, 10-bit ADC, up to 5 GSa/s, up to 80 MSa
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RTM3K-COM2 1 GHz MSO, 2 analog / 16 digital channels, 10-bit ADC, up to 5 GSa/s, up to 80 MSa, with RTM-PK1 Application Bundle (waveform gen., I2C/SPI, UART/RS232, CAN/LIN, I2S, MIL-1553, ARINC 429, history/segmented memory and power analysis)
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RTM3K-COM4 1 GHz MSO, 4 analog / 16 digital channels, 10-bit ADC, up to 5 GSa/s, up to 80 MSa, with RTM-PK1 Application Bundle (waveform gen., I2C/SPI, UART/RS232, CAN/LIN, I2S, MIL-1553, ARINC 429, history/segmented memory and power analysis)
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RTM3K-HVP HV power package - 4 channel, 100 MHz DSO, 10-bit ADC, up to 5 GSa/s, up to 80 MSa, with RT-ZHD60 probe
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RTM3K-HVP02 HV power package - 2 channel, 100 MHz DSO, 10-bit ADC, up to 5 GSa/s, up to 80 MSa, with RT-ZHD60 probe
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RTM3K-LSSB Low speed serial bus package - 100 MHz MSO, 4 analog / 16 digital channels, 10-bit ADC, up to 5 GSa/s, up to 80 MSa – with I2C/SPI, UART/RS232, history / segmented memory options
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RTM3K-PS Power supply package - 4 channel, 100 MHz DSO, 10-bit ADC, up to 5 GSa/s, up to 80 MSa, with power analysis option (RTM-K31), RT-ZHD07 probe, and RT-ZC15B probe
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RTM-54PKUS Package RTM3004 digital oscilloscope 4 channels,500 MHz Contains serialized product+options: R and S RTM3004 digital oscilloscope 4 channels 1335.8794K04 consisting of: - R and S RTM3004 Oscilloscope 4 Channels, 100 MHz - R and S RTM-B245 500 MHz Bandwidth Upgrade - R and S RTM-B1 Mixed Signal Option - R and S RTM-PK1US Application Bundle
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RTM-B1 Mixed signal option for RTM3000
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RTM-B2210 1 GHz Bandwidth upgrade for the R&S RTM3002
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RTM-B222 200 MHz Bandwidth upgrade for the R&S RTM3002
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RTM-B223 350 MHz Bandwidth upgrade for the R&S RTM3002
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RTM-B225 500 MHz Bandwidth upgrade for the R&S RTM3002
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RTM-B2410 1 GHz Bandwidth upgrade for the R&S RTM3004
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RTM-B242 200 MHz Bandwidth upgrade for the R&S RTM3004
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RTM-B243 350 MHz Bandwidth upgrade for the R&S RTM3004
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RTM-B245 500 MHz Bandwidth upgrade for the R&S RTM3004
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RTM-B6 Arbitrary waveform and pattern generator for RTM3000
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RTM-COM2US Package RTM3002 digital oscilloscope 2 channels, 1 GHz Contains serialized product+options: R and S RTM3002 digital oscilloscope 1335.8794K02 consisting of: - R and S RTM3002 oscilloscope 2 channel 100 MHz - R and S RTM-B2210 1 GHz Bandwidth upgrade - R and S RTM-B1 mixed signal option - R and S RTM-PK1US Application Bundle
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RTM-COM4US 1 GHz MSO, 4 analog / 16 digital channels with RTM-PK1 application bundle
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RTM-K1 I2C/SPI serial triggering and decoding for RTM3000
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RTM-K15 History and segmented memory for RTM3000
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RTM-K2 UART/RS232 serial triggering and decoding for RTM3000
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RTM-K3 CAN/LIN serial triggering and decoding for RTM3000
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RTM-K31 Power analysis for RTM3000
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RTM-K36 Bode Plot Analysis Range: Up to 25 MHz Source: Internal Generator for R and S RTM3000 models (software license)
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