Model Number Description Your Price Purchase
LCX-Z1 Test fixture for axial/radial lead type devices, incl. shorting plate; for R and S LCX meters (accessory)
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LCX-Z11 BNC extension, 1 m, for R and S LCX meters (accessory)
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LCX-Z2 Kelvin clip lead for R and S LCX meters (accessory)
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LCX-Z3 Test fixture for SMD components for R and S LCX meters (accessory)
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LCX-Z4 Test tweezers for SMD components for R and S LCX meters (accessory)
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LCX-Z5 Transformer test cables for R and S LCX meters (accessory)
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MXO44 Digital Oscilloscope (4 Channel / 200 MHz)
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MXO44-2410 Package MXO 4 series 4 channel oscilloscope, 1 GHz Contains serialized product+options: R and S MXO 4 series oscilloscope 4 channels 1335.5050K04 consisting of: - R and S MXO 4 series oscilloscope - R and S MXO4-B2410 1 GHz bandwidth upgrade
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MXO44-2415 Oscilloscope, 1.5 GHz, 4 Channels
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MXO44-243 Package MXO 4 series 4 channel oscilloscope, 350 MHz Contains serialized product+options: R and S MXO 4 series oscilloscope 4 channels 1335.5050K04 consisting of: - R and S MXO 4 series oscilloscope 4 channel - R and S MXO4-B243 350 MHz bandwidth upgrade
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MXO44-245 Package MXO 4 series 4 channel oscilloscope, 500 MHz Contains serialized product+options: R and S MXO 4 series oscilloscope 4 channels 1335.5050K04 consisting of: - R and S MXO 4 series oscilloscope 4 channel - R and S MXO4-B245 500 MHz bandwidth upgrade
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MXO4-B1 Mixed signal, for R and S MXO4 oscilloscopes, 16 channels, 5Gsa/s (hardware option)
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MXO4-B108 Memory upgrade 800Mpts (Keycode upgrade) (software license)
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MXO4-B2410 1 GHz Bandwidth upgrade for R and S MXO 44 series oscilloscope (software-license)
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MXO4-B2415 1.5 GHz Bandwidth Upgrade
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MXO4-B243 350 MHz Bandwidth Upgrade
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MXO4-B245 500 MHz Bandwidth upgrade for R and S MXO 44 series oscilloscope (software-license)
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MXO4-B6 Arbitrary Waveform Generator with 16 bit resolution, 2 analog channels, 100 MHz, bandwidth, 40 MSa/Ch memory,312.5 MSa/s sample rate for R and S MXO 4 series oscilloscope
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MXO4-BNDL MXO4 series digital oscilloscope 4 channel 200 MHz MXO-B2415 1.5 GHz Bandwidth optionMXO4-PK1 Application Bundle, containing:- MXO4-B6 ARB Generator- MXO4-K510 Low Speed Serial Buses- MXO4-K520 Automotive Protocols- MXO4-K36 Frequency Response Analysis (Bode Plot)
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MXO4-K36 Frequency Response Analysis for MXO 4 Series Oscilloscopes
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MXO4-K510 Low speed serial triggering and decode option for MXO 4 series oscilloscopes
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MXO4-K520 Triggering and decoding: - CAN - CAN-FD - CAN-XL* - LIN* for R and S MXO 4 series oscilloscopes (software license) *(will be avaialable with a future firmware release)
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MXO4-K530 Aerospace T and D (MIL-STD-1553/ARINC 429) N/A


MXO4-PK1 Application Bundle (contains R and S MXO 4 -K510, -K520, and -K36 as well as R and S MXO 4 -B6) for R and S MXO 4 series oscilloscope (software license) (option -K520 will be avaialable with a future firmware release)
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MXO4-Z1 Front Cover for MXO4 Series Oscilloscopes
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MXO4-Z3 Soft Carrying Case for MXO4 Oscilloscopes
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MXO4-Z4 Transit case with trolley function for MXO4 Series Oscilloscopes
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MXO54 MXO54 Oscilloscope 350 MHz, 4 Channels
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MXO54-1000 MXO54 Oscilloscope (4 Channels / 1 GHz)
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MXO54-2000 MXO54 Oscilloscope (4 Channels / 2 GHz)
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MXO54-500 MXO54 Oscilloscope (4 Channels / 500 MHz)
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MXO54C BASE MODEL - 4 channel oscilloscope bandwidth 350 MHz upgradable bandwidth to 500 MHz, 1 GHz, and 2 GHz - 12-bit ADC and 18-bit in HD mode - 4.5 Mwfms/s acquisition rate - 500 Mpts acquisition memory - 5 Gsample/s sample rate
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MXO58 MXO58 Oscilloscope 100 MHz, 8 Channels
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MXO58-1000 MXO58 Oscilloscope (8 Channels / 1 GHz)
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MXO58-200 MXO58 Oscilloscope (8 Channels / 200 MHz)
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MXO58-2000 MXO58 Oscilloscope (8 Channels / 2 GHz)
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MXO58-350 MXO58 Oscilloscope (8 Channels / 350 MHz)
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MXO58-500 MXO58 Oscilloscope (8 Channels / 500 MHz)
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MXO58C BASE MODEL - 8 channel oscilloscope bandwidth 100 MHz upgradable bandwidth to 200 MHz, 350 MHz, 500 MHz, 1 GHz and 2 GHz - 12-bit ADC and 18-bit in HD mode - 4.5 Mwfms/s acquisition rate - 500 Mpts acquisition memory - 5 Gsample/s sample rate
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MXO5-B1 MXO5 Mixed Signal Option (Probe + Keycode License)
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MXO5-B110 MXO5 1Gpt Memory Option
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MXO5-B19 MXO5 Additional or Replacement SSD
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MXO5-B2410 MXO54 1 GHZ Option, 4 Channels
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MXO5-B2420 MXO54 2 GHZ Option, 4 Channels
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MXO5-B245 MXO54 500 MHZ Option, 4 Channels
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MXO5-B2810 MXO58 1 GHZ Option, 8 Channels
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MXO5-B282 MXO58 200 MHZ Option, 8 Channels
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MXO5-B2820 MXO58 2 GHZ Option, 8 Channels
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MXO5-B283 MXO58 350 MHZ Option, 8 Channels
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MXO5-B285 MXO58 500 MHZ Option, 8 Channels
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MXO5-B6 MXO5 Arbitrary Waveform Generator
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MXO5C-410 4 channel oscilloscope / 1 GHz bandwidth - 12-bit ADC and 18-bit in HD mode, 4.5 Mwfms/s acquisition rate, 500 Mpts acquisition memory, 5 Gsample/s sample rate
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MXO5C-420 4 channel oscilloscope / 2 GHz bandwidth - 12-bit ADC and 18-bit in HD mode, 4.5 Mwfms/s acquisition rate, 500 Mpts acquisition memory, 5 Gsample/s sample rate
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MXO5C-45 4 channel oscilloscope / 500 MHz bandwidth - 12-bit ADC and 18-bit in HD mode, 4.5 Mwfms/s acquisition rate, 500 Mpts acquisition memory, 5 Gsample/s sample rate
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MXO5C-810 8 channel oscilloscope / 1 GHz bandwidth - 12-bit ADC and 18-bit in HD mode, 4.5 Mwfms/s acquisition rate, 500 Mpts acquisition memory, 5 Gsample/s sample rate
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MXO5C-82 8 channel oscilloscope / 200 MHz bandwidth - 12-bit ADC and 18-bit in HD mode, 4.5 Mwfms/s acquisition rate, 500 Mpts acquisition memory, 5 Gsample/s sample rate
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MXO5C-820 8 channel oscilloscope / 2 GHz bandwidth - 12-bit ADC and 18-bit in HD mode, 4.5 Mwfms/s acquisition rate, 500 Mpts acquisition memory, 5 Gsample/s sample rate
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MXO5C-83 8 channel oscilloscope / 350 MHz bandwidth - 12-bit ADC and 18-bit in HD mode, 4.5 Mwfms/s acquisition rate, 500 Mpts acquisition memory, 5 Gsample/s sample rate
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MXO5C-85 8 channel oscilloscope / 500 MHz bandwidth - 12-bit ADC and 18-bit in HD mode, 4.5 Mwfms/s acquisition rate, 500 Mpts acquisition memory, 5 Gsample/s sample rate
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MXO5C-B1 MXO5C-B1 MIXED-SIGNAL-OPTION PROBE 16 Channels - Includes 2x RT-ZL04 logic probes that activate MSO capability
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MXO5C-B110 MXO5C-B110 MEMORY OPTION 1GPTS (Unregistered License - Upgrade not unit specific)
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MXO5C-B19 MXO5C-B19 ADDITIONAL M.2 Replacement SSD (Linux)
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MXO5C-B405 MXO5C-B405 500MHZ OPTION (Unregistered License - Upgrade not unit specific)
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MXO5C-B410 MXO5C-B410 1GHZ OPTION, MXO54C (Unregistered License - Upgrade not unit specific)
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MXO5C-B420 MXO5C-B420 2GHZ OPTION, MXO54C (Unregistered License - Upgrade not unit specific)
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MXO5C-B6 MXO5C-B6 ARBITRARY WAVEFORM GEN. (Unregistered License - Upgrade not unit specific)
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MXO5C-B802 MXO5C-B802 200MHZ OPTION (Unregistered License - Upgrade not unit specific)
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MXO5C-B803 MXO5C-B803 350MHZ OPTION (Unregistered License - Upgrade not unit specific)
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MXO5C-B805 MXO5C-B805 500MHZ OPTION (Unregistered License - Upgrade not unit specific)
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MXO5C-K31 MXO5C-K31 POWER ANALYSIS (Unregistered License - Upgrade not unit specific)
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MXO5C-K36 MXO5C-K36 FREQ. RESPONSE ANALYSIS (Unregistered License - Upgrade not unit specific)
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MXO5C-K510 MXO5C-K510 LOW SPEED SERIAL BUSES (Unregistered License - Upgrade not unit specific)
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MXO5C-K520 MXO5C-K520 AUTOMOTIVE PROTOCOLS (Unregistered License - Upgrade not unit specific)
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MXO5C-K550 MXO5C-K550 MIPI LOW SPEED PROTOCOLS (Registered License to unit)
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MXO5C-K560 MXO5C-K560 AUTOMOTIVE ETHERNET PROT (Unregistered License - Upgrade not unit specific)
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MXO5C-PK1 MXO5C-PK1 APPLICATION BUNDLE (Registered License to unit)
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MXO5-K31 MXO5 Power Analysis
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MXO5-K36 MXO5 Frequency Response Analysis
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MXO5-K510 MXO5 Low Speed Serial Buses
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MXO5-K520 MXO5 Automotive Protocols
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MXO5-PK1 MXO5 Application Bundle
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MXO5-Z1 MXO5 Front Cover
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MXO5-Z3 MXO5 Soft Carrying Case
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MXO5-Z7 MXO5 VESA Mount Adapter
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NAS Directional power meter display unit N/A


NAS-C3 Three years of depot calibration coverage based on the R&S recommended calibration interval - includes test data. The first calibration is included with product delivery with 2 additional depot calibration(s). N/A


NAS-C5 Five years of calibration coverage based on the R&S recommended calibration interval - includes test data. The first calibration is included with product delivery with 4 additional depot calibration(s) N/A


NAS-R3 Three years of depot repair coverage, including re-calibration if necessary to complete the repair. First year of repair coverage is provided by the 12-month new product warranty N/A


NAS-R5 Five years of depot repair coverage, including re-calibration if necessary to complete the repair. First year of repair coverage is provided by the 12-month new product warranty. N/A


NAS-Z1 Accessory: Insertion unit 50 Ohm, 1 - 30 MHz, 0.01 - 120 W, connection: N female N/A


NAS-Z10 Carrying bag for NAS N/A


NAS-Z2 Accessory: Insertion unit 50 Ohm, 1 - 30 MHz, 0.01 - 1200 W, connection: N female N/A


NAS-Z3 Accessory: Insertion unit 50 Ohm, 25 - 200 MHz, 0.01 - 120 W, connection: N female N/A


NAS-Z5 Accessory: Insertion unit 50 Ohm, 70 - 1000 MHz, 0.01 - 120 W, connection: N female N/A


NAS-Z6 Accessory: Insertion unit for GSM, 50 Ohm, 0.01 - 120 W, connection: N female N/A


NAS-Z7 Accessory: Insertion unit 50 Ohm, for DCS1800/1900/GSM, 10 mW - 30 W N female N/A


NAS-Z9 Cable (1.5 m) for NAS insertion unit N/A


NGA101 1-CH, Power Supply, 40 W, 35V / 6A
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NGA102 Two-channel power supply 0 V to 35 V, max. 6 A max. 40 W per channel (80 W total) resolution 1 mV / 0.1 mA U/I tracking, Logging EasyArb, Remote Sensing electronic fuse, FuseLink OVP, OPP, OTP USB/LAN interface
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NGA141 Single-channel power supply 0 V to 100 V, max. 2 A max. 40 W resolution 1 mV / 0.1 mA Logging EasyArb, Remote Sensing electronic fuse, FuseLink OVP, OPP, OTP USB/LAN interface
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NGA142 Two-channel power supply 0 V to 100 V, max. 2 A max. 40 W per channel (80 W total) resolution 1 mV / 0.1 mA U/I tracking, Logging EasyArb, Remote Sensing electronic fuse, FuseLink OVP, OPP, OTP USB/LAN interface
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NGA142COMA Package NGA142 COMPLETE PACKAGE Contains serialized product+options: R and S NGA142 2-CHANNEL POWER SUPPLY 5601.8002.05 consisting of: -R and S NGA142 2-CHANNEL POWER SUPPLY -R and S NGA-K102 WIRELESS LAN REMOTE CONT. -R and S NGA-K103 DIGITAL TRIGGER I/O N/A


NGA-K102 Wireless LAN remote control N/A


NGA-K103 Four digital trigger I/O ports for R and S NGA100 power supplies (unregistered license)
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NG-B105 IEEE-488 (GPIB) interface for R and S NGP800 power supplies (customer installable)
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NGC101 Single-channel power supply, 0 V to 32 V max. 10 A, max. 100 W, resolution up to 1 mV / 0.1 mA, sense, electronic fuse, EasyArb, logging, USB/LAN interface
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NGC101-G Single-channel power supply, 0 V to 32 V max. 10 A, max. 100 W, resolution up to 1 mV / 0.1 mA, sense, electronic fuse, EasyArb, logging, USB/LAN interface and IEEE-488 (GPIB)
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NGC102 Two-channel power supply, 0 V to 32 V, max. 5 A per channel, max. 100 W total, resolution up to 1 mV / 0.1 mA, sense, electronic fuse, FuseLink, EasyArb, logging, USB/LAN interface
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NGC102-G Two-channel power supply, 0 V to 32 V, max. 5 A per channel, max. 100 W total, resolution up to 1 mV / 0.1 mA, sense, electronic fuse, FuseLink, EasyArb, logging, USB, LAN and IEEE-488 (GPIB)
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NGC103 Three-channel power supply, 0 V to 32 V, max. 3 A per channel, max. 100 W total, resolution up to 1 mV / 0.1 mA, sense, electronic fuse, FuseLink, EasyArb, logging, USB/LAN interface
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NGC103-G Three-channel power supply, 0 V to 32 V, max. 3 A per channel, max. 100 W total, resolution up to 1 mV / 0.1 mA, sense, electronic fuse, FuseLink, EasyArb, logging, USB, LAN and IEEE-488 (GPIB)
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NGE102 2-channel power supply, 0 to 32 V / 3 A, max. 66 W, resolution 10 mV / 1 mA, U/I tracking, EasyArb, electronic fuse, FuseLink, USB interface N/A


NGE102B 2-channel power supply, 0 to 32 V / 3 A, max. 66 W, resolution 10 mV / 1 mA, tracking, EasyArb, electronic fuse, FuseLink, USB interface
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NGE103 3-channel power supply, 0 to 32 V / 3 A, max. 99 W, resolution 10 mV / 1 mA, U/I tracking, EasyArb, electronic fuse, FuseLink, USB interface N/A


NGE103B 3-channel power supply, 0 to 32 V / 3 A, max. 99 W, resolution 10 mV / 1 mA, tracking, EasyArb, electronic fuse, FuseLink, USB interface
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NGE-COM3A Package NGE103B COMPLETE PACKAGE Contains serialized product+options: R and S NGE103B 3-CHANNEL POWER SUPPLY 5601.3800.03 consisting of: -R and S NGE103B 3-CHANNEL POWER SUPPLY -R and S NGE-K101 ETHERNET REMOTE CONTROL -R and S NGE-K102 WIRELESS LAN REMOTE CONT. -R and S NGE-K103 DIGITAL TRIGGER I/O N/A


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NGE-K101 Remote control via Ethernet for R And S NGE100 power supplies (unregistered license)
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NGE-K102 Remote control via wireless LAN for R And S NGE100 power supplies (unregistered license)
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NGE-K103 Four digital trigger I/O ports for R And S NGE100 power supplies (unregistered license)
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NGL201 Single-channel power supply, 0 V to 20 V max. 6 A, max. 60 W, electronic load (max. 20 V / 3 A), resolution up to 10 uV / 10 uA, sense, electronic fuse, QuickArb, logging, USB/LAN interface
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NGL202 Two-channel power supply, 0 V to 20 V, max. 6 A per channel, max. 120 W total, electronic load (max. 20 V / 3 A), resolution up to 10 uV / 10 uA, sense, electronic fuse, FuseLink, QuickArb, logging, USB/LAN interface
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NGL-B105 IEEE-488 (GPIB) interface for R and S NGL power supplies, retrofittable in Rohde and Schwarz Service (hardware option)
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NGL-COM2A Package NGL202 COMPLETE PACKAGE Contains serialized product options: R and SNGL202 2-CH POWER SUPPLY 120W 3638.3376K03 consisting of: -R and SNGL202 2-CH POWER SUPPLY 120W -R and SNGL-K102 WIRELESS LAN REMOTE CONT. -R and SNGL-K103 DIGITAL TRIGGER I/O N/A


NGL-K102 Remote control via wireless LAN for R and S NGL power supplies (software license)
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NGL-K103 Digital I/O ports for R and S NGL, trigger, inhibit, control, fault (software license)
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NGM201 Single-channel power supply, 0 V to 20 V max. 6 A, max. 60 W, electronic load (max. 20 V / 3 A), resolution up to 5 uV / 10 nA, sense, electronic fuse, QuickArb, FastLog, USB/LAN interface
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NGM202 Two-channel power supply, 0 V to 20 V, max. 6 A per channel, max. 120 W total, electronic load (max. 20 V / 3 A), resolution up to 5 uV / 10 nA, sense, electronic fuse, FuseLink, QuickArb, FastLog, USB/LAN interface
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NGM-B105 IEEE-488 (GPIB) Interface for R and S NGM power supplies, retrofittable in Rohde and Schwarz Service (hardware option)
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NGM-B301 Higher accuracy in the 10 A range (has to be ordered in combination with the instrument, not retrofittable) (software license)
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NGM-COM2A Package NGM202 COMPLETE PACKAGE Contains serialized product+options: R and S NGM202 2-CH POWER SUPPLY 120W 3638.4472K03 consisting of: -R and S NGM202 2-CH POWER SUPPLY 120W -R and S NGM-K103 DIGITAL TRIGGER I/O -R and S NGM-K104 DVM OPTION -R and S NGM-K106 BATTERY SIMULATION
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NGM-K102 Remote control via wireless LAN for R and S NGM power supplies (software license)
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NGM-K103 Digital I/O ports for R and S NGM, trigger, inhibit, control, fault (software license)
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NGM-K104 Digital voltmeter functionality; additional measurement input alternative to the readback measurement (software license)
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NGM-K106 Battery simulation for R and S NGM power supplies (software license)
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NGP802 Two-channel power supply 0V to 32V, max. 20A per channel max. 200W per channel (400W total) 5 inch capacitive touch screen QuickArb, Sense electronic fuse, FuseLink OVP, OPP, OTP USB/LAN interface
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NGP804 Four-channel power supply 0V to 32V, max. 20A per channel max. 200W per channel (800W total) 5 inch capacitive touch screen QuickArb, Sense electronic fuse, FuseLink OVP, OPP, OTP USB/LAN interface
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NGP804-OB Four-channel power supply 0V to 32V, max. 20A per channel max. 200W per channel (800W total) 5 inch capacitive touch screen QuickArb, Sense electronic fuse, FuseLink OVP, OPP, OTP USB/LAN interface - This open box item may be missing original packaging, missing some small accessories or a lightly used demo unit. N/A


NGP814 Four-channel power supply 2 x 0V to 64V, max. 10A per channel 2 x 0V to 32V, max. 20A per channel max. 200W per channel (800W total) 5 inch capacitive touch screen QuickArb, Sense electronic fuse, FuseLink OVP, OPP, OTP USB/LAN interface
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NGP822 Two-channel power supply 0V to 64V, max. 10A per channel max. 200W per channel (400W total) 5 inch capacitive touch screen QuickArb, Sense electronic fuse, FuseLink OVP, OPP, OTP USB/LAN interface
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NGP824 Four-channel power supply 0V to 64V, max. 10A per channel max. 200W per channel (800W total) 5 inch capacitive touch screen QuickArb, Sense electronic fuse, FuseLink OVP, OPP, OTP USB/LAN interface
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NGP824COMA NGP824 power supply package with NGM-K102, NGM-K103, NGM-K107 N/A


NGP824COMA-OB NGP824 power supply package with NGM-K102, NGM-K103, NGM-K107 - This open box item may be missing original packaging, missing some small accessories or a lightly used demo unit. N/A


NGP-K102 Remote control via wireless LAN for R and S NGP800 power supplies (unregistered license)
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NGP-K103 digital trigger I/O ports for R and S NGP800 power supplies (unregistered license)
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NGP-K107 analog input for R and S NGP800 power supplies (unregistered license)
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NGU201 Two-quadrant source measure unit, 0 V to 20 V, max. 8 A, max. 60 W, electronic load (max. 20 V/8 A/60 W), resolution up to 1 uV / 100 pA, sense, electronic fuse, QuickArb, FastLog, USB-/LAN interface
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NGU201COM Package NGU201 COMPLETE PACKAGE Contains serialized product+option: R and S NGU201 2-Q SOURCE MEASURE UNIT 3639.3763K02 consisting of: -R and S NGU201 2-Q SOURCE MEASURE UNIT -R and S NGU-K103 DIGITAL TRIGGER I/O -R and S NGU-K104 DVM OPTION -R and S NGU-K106 BATTERY SIMULATION
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NGU201-G Package NGU201 source measure unit, USB/LAN/GPIB Contains serialized product+options: R and S NGU201 source measure unit 3639.3763K02 consisting of: - R and S NGU201 source measure unit - R and S NGU-B105 IEEE-488 interface
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NGU401 Four-quadrant source measure unit, -20 V to 20 V, max. 8 A, max. 60 W, electronic load (max. 20 V/8 A/60 W), resolution up to 1 uV / 100 pA, sense, electronic fuse, QuickArb, FastLog, USB-/LAN interface
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NGU401COM Four-quadrant source measure unit, -20 V to 20 V, max. 8 A, max. 60 W, with Digital I/O Port Option
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NGU401COM-OB Four-quadrant source measure unit, -20 V to 20 V, max. 8 A, max. 60 W, with Digital I/O Port OptionThis open box item may be missing original packaging, missing some small accessories or a lightly used demo unit. N/A


Replaced by: NGU401COM

NGU401-G Package NGU401 source measure unit, USB/LAN/GPIB Contains serialized product+options: R and S NGU401 source measure unit 3639.3763K03 consisting of: - R and S NGU401 source measure unit - R and S NGU-B105 IEEE-488 interface
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NGU411 Four-quadrant source measure unit, -20 V to 20 V, max. 2 A, max. 20 W, electronic load (max. 20 V/2 A/20 W), resolution up to 1 uV / 100 pA, sense, electronic fuse, QuickArb, FastLog, USB-/LAN interface
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NGU-B105 IEEE-488 (GPIB) interface for R and S NGU source measure units, retrofittable in Rohde and Schwarz Service (hardware option)
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NGU-K103 Digital I/O ports for R and S NGU, trigger, inhibit, control, fault (software license)
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NGU-K104 Digital voltmeter functionality for R and S NGU201; additional measurement input for voltage measurement (software license)
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NGU-K106 Battery simulation for R and S NGU201 source measure unit (software license)
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NPA101 Power meter, DC to 100 kHz, max. 600 V, max. 20 A, 50 uW to 12 kW, logging, USB/LAN interface
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NPA501 Power analyzer, DC to 100 kHz, max. 600 V, max. 20 A, 50 uW to 12 kW, peak values, pass/fail function, graphical display, sensor input, analog/digital inputs/outputs, logging, USB/LAN interface
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NPA501-G Power analyzer, DC to 100 kHz, max. 600 V, max. 20 A, 50 uW to 12 kW, peak values, pass/fail function, graphical display, sensor input, analog/digital inputs/outputs, logging, USB/LAN interface and IEEE-488 (GPIB)
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NPA701 Compliance tester, DC to 100 kHz, max. 600 V, max. 20 A, 50 uW to 12 kW, peak values, pass/fail function, graphical display, sensor input, analog/digital inputs/outputs, logging, compliance tests acc. to IEC 62301, EN 50564 and EN 61000-3-2, USB/LAN interface
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NPA701-G Compliance tester, DC to 100 kHz, max. 600 V, max. 20 A, 50 uW to 12 kW, peak values, pass/fail function, graphical display, sensor input, analog/digital inputs/outputs, logging, compliance tests acc. to IEC 62301, EN 50564 and EN 61000-3-2, USB/LAN interface and IEEE-488 (GPIB)
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NPA-Z1 Test adapter, EU socket, for R and S NPA power analyzer series (accessory)
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NPA-Z2 Test adapter, UK socket, for R and S NPA power analyzer series (accessory)
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NPA-Z3 Test adapter, US socket, for R and S NPA power analyzer series (accessory)
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NPA-Z4 Test adapter, CHN/AUS socket, for R and S NPA power analyzer series (accessory)
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NRP Power meter display and control unit AC supply, IEEE bus N/A


NRP110T Thermal power sensor DC to 110 GHz, 300 nW to 100 mW 1 mm (m) USB sensor cable R and S NRP-ZKU or power sensor cable R and S NRP-ZK6 is required
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NRP110TWGN Thermal waveguide power sensor LAN 75 to 110 GHz, 300 nW to 100 mW WR-10 LAN operation requires PoE (Power over Ethernet)
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NRP18A Average power sensor; 8 kHz to 18 GHz; 100pW to 200mW; N(m); USB interface cable R and S NRP-ZKU or 6-pole interface cable R and S NRP-ZK6 is required
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NRP18AN Average power sensor LAN; 8 kHz to 18 GHz; 100pW to 200mW; N(m); LAN operation requires PoE (Power over Ethernet)
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NRP18P Pulse power sensor, 50MHz to 18GHz; 1nW to 100mW, N(m) 30MHz video bandwidth, USB sensor cable R and S NRP-ZKU or power sensor cable R and S NRP-ZK6 required (accessory)
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NRP18P-OB Pulse power sensor, 50MHz to 18GHz; 1nW to 100mW, N(m) 30MHz video bandwidth, USB sensor cable R and S NRP-ZKU or power sensor cable R and S NRP-ZK6 required (accessory) - This open box item may be missing original packaging, missing some small accessories or a lightly used demo unit. N/A


NRP18S 3-path Diode Power Sensor, 10 MHz to 18 GHz, 100 pW to 200 mW, N(m), USB Sensor Cable R and S NRP-ZKU or Power Sensor Cable R and S NRP-ZK6 required (Accessory)
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NRP18S-10 3-path Diode Power Sensor 10 MHz to 18 GHz, 1 nW to 2 W N (m) USB Sensor Cable R and S NRP-ZKU or Power Sensor Cable R and S NRP-ZK6 is required
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NRP18S-20 3-path Diode Power Sensor 10 MHz to 18 GHz, 10 nW to 15 W N (m) USB Sensor Cable R and S NRP-ZKU or Power Sensor Cable R and S NRP-ZK6 is required
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NRP18S-25 3-path Diode Power Sensor 10 MHz to 18 GHz, 30 nW to 30 W N (m) USB Sensor Cable R and S NRP-ZKU or Power Sensor Cable R and S NRP-ZK6 is required
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NRP18SN 3-path Diode Power Sensor LAN, 10 MHz to 18 GHz, 100 pW to 200 mW, N(m), LAN Operation requires PoE (Power over Ethernet (Accessory)
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NRP18T Thermal power sensor DC to 18 GHz, 300 nW to 100 mW N (m) USB sensor cable R and S NRP-ZKU or power sensor cable R and S NRP-ZK6 is required
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NRP-18TAF Package NRP18T MMR Contains serialized product+options: R and S NRP18T Power Sensor 1424.6115K02 consisting of: R and S NRP18T power sensor R and S NRP-ZKU cable
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NRP18TN Thermal power sensor LAN DC to 18 GHz, 300 nW to 100 mW N (m) LAN operation requires PoE (Power over Ethernet)
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NRP33S 3-path Diode Power Sensor 10 MHz to 33 GHz, 100 pW to 200 mW, 3.5mm(m), USB Sensor Cable R and S NRP-ZKU or Power Sensor Cable R and S NRP-ZK6 required
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NRP33SN 3-path Diode Power Sensor LAN 10 MHz to 33 GHz, 100 pW to 200 mW, 3.5 mm (m), LAN Operation requires PoE (Power over Ethernet)
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NRP33T Thermal power sensor DC to 33 GHz, 300 nW to 100 mW 3.5 mm (m) USB sensor cable R and S NRP-ZKU or power sensor cable R and S NRP-ZK6 is required
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NRP-33TAF Package NRP33T MMR Contains serialized product+options: R and S NRP33T Power Sensor 1424.6138K02 consisting of: R and S NRP33T power sensor R and S NRP-ZKU cable
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NRP33TN Thermal power sensor LAN DC to 33 GHz, 300 nW to 100 mW 3.5 mm (m) LAN operation requires PoE (Power over Ethernet)
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NRP40P Pulse power sensor, 50MHz to 40GHz; 1nW to 100mW, 2.92mm(m) 30MHz video bandwidth, USB sensor cable R and S NRP-ZKU or power sensor cable R and S NRP-ZK6 required (accessory)
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NRP40S 3-path Diode Power Sensor 50 MHz to 40 GHz, 100 pW to 100 mW, 2.92 mm (m), USB Sensor Cable R and S NRP-ZKU or Power Sensor Cable R and S NRP-ZK6 required
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NRP40SN 3-path Diode Power Sensor LAN 50 MHz to 40 GHz, 100 pW to 100 mW, 2.92 mm (m) LAN Operation requires PoE (Power over Ethernet)
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NRP40T Thermal power sensor DC to 40 GHz, 300 nW to 100 mW 2.92 mm (m) USB sensor cable R and S NRP-ZKU or power sensor cable R and S NRP-ZK6 is required
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NRP40TN Thermal power sensor LAN DC to 40 GHz, 300 nW to 100 mW 2.92 mm (m) LAN operation requires PoE (Power over Ethernet)
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NRP50P Pulse power sensor, 50MHz to 50GHz; 1nW to 100mW, 2.4mm(m) 30MHz video bandwidth, USB sensor cable R and S NRP-ZKU or power sensor cable R and S NRP-ZK6 required (accessory)
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NRP50S 3-path Diode Power Sensor 50 MHz to 50 GHz, 100 pW to 100 mW, 2.4 mm (m), USB Sensor Cable R and S NRP-ZKU or Power Sensor cable R and S NRP-ZK6 required
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NRP50SN 3-path Diode Power Sensor LAN 50 MHz to 50 GHz, 100 pW to 100 mW, 2.4 mm (m) LAN Operation requires PoE (Power over Ethernet)
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NRP50T Thermal power sensor DC to 50 GHz, 300 nW to 100 mW 2,4 mm(m) USB sensor cable R and S NRP-ZKU or power sensor cable R and S NRP-ZK6 is required
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NRP-50TAF Package NRP50T MMR Contains serialized product+options: R and S NRP50T Power Sensor 1424.6173K02 consisting of: R and S NRP50T power sensor R and S NRP-ZKU cable
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NRP50TN Thermal power sensor LAN DC to 50 GHz, 300 nW to 100 mW 2.4 mm(m) LAN operation requires PoE (Power over Ethernet)
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