TruLine Ammonia Replacement Membrane Modules, pack of 4. Includes 60 mL of electrode filling solution (item# 400367).
Dated material. Item is heat packed in the winter months.
Each TruLine ISE features an integrated reference. This eliminates the need for a separate reference half-cell when measuring ion concentration and is more convenient. Each ISE can also be refilled with reference/electrode filling solution, extending the life of each ISE. The electrodes also feature a double-junction reference for optimum performance in the lab.
There are 15 electrodes in the TruLine ISE series, with each electrode measuring the effective ion concentration of a different ionic species. This provides our customer with a wide range of ISEs to choose from.
ISE parameters include: Ammonia, Ammonium, Bromide, Cadmium, Calcium, Chloride, Copper, Cyanide, Fluoride, Iodide, Lead, Nitrate, Potassium, Silver/Sulfide, and Sodium.