Ultraprobe 2000 Stethoscope Kit
The Ultraprobe® 2000 flexibility and adaptability easily adjust to meet a wide range of testing demands. This intrinsically safe instrument tests for leaks as well as perform mechanical and electrical inspections.
The Ultraprobe® 2000 can be adapted to test practically any problem in operating equipment with such features as:
FREQUENCY TUNING enables a user to tune into problem “sounds” while minimizing background interference.
METER MODE selection adjusts the meter response from a real-time response to an averaging response. This feature allows accurate adjustments for leak detection and for mechanical analysis.
The Ultraprobe® 2000 can heterodyne ultrasound into audible range providing accurate sound reproduction.
Sensitive only to ultrasonic frequencies, the Ultraprobe® 2000 will not respond to the low-frequency noises often associated with most plant equipment. Therefore, the instrument can be effectively utilized in very loud factory environments.