TPI Oscilloscopes FAQ

Why do you need a 20 MHz Ocilloscope?
To measure signal and voltage anomalies. Look for glitches that may damage or shut down electronic machinery. This can be displayed on a 20 MHz or more oscilloscope. To see sine waves on power supplies, motors and beadboard circuitry. To pinpoint a certain glitch on the sine wave to determine the problem and monitor changing patterns and distortion in electronic currents.

Why is it important to have Trend Mode?
To monitor sudden intermittents caused by loose connections, dirt, or cut wires. You can set the minimum and maximum parameters and record and monitor the changes.

What is the purpose of triggering?
To zoom in on certain parts of the sine wave. You can zoom in and hold to measure and monitor that particular part you are reading. Look for glitches and distortion on all measurements.