Mitutoyo ID-C Digimatic Indicators - Calculation Type
The Mitutoyo ABSOLUTE Digimatic ID-C calculation-type indicators perform internal calculations without the need for conversions which dramatically improves the ease of reading measurement values and usability and functionality. Measurements are shown on an impact-resistant LCD display. The Mitutoyo ABS digital ID-C calculation-type digital indicators perform internal calculations using the formula Ax+B+Cx-1 (assuming x is spindle displacement) while coefficients A, B and C can be set according to the type of measurement or dimension on the fixture. Key Lock and Parameter Lock features prevent accidental changing of settings during operation.
Mitutoyo ID-C Digimatic Indicators - Calculation Type
- Calculation function operates on spindle displacement; Entering the appropriate formula factors for a fixture dedicated to the application enables direct measurement readout, thereby eliminating any need for the conversion tables previously needed for those applications where fixtures are typically used
- Five buttons, status icons, and clear button indications allow for easy operation of a wide variety of functions
- Wide LCD and new analog bar graphs are now standard on all models
- Can store up to three sets of master reference values and tolerances, alleviating the need for multiple settings to master gages
- The ABS (absolute) scale restores the last origin position automatically when the indicator is turned on, and realizes high reliability by eliminating over-speed errors
- By using the parameter setup kit (optional) and the dedicated software, the functions and the parameters can be configured using a computer
- Equipped with a data output port that enables incorporation into measurement networking and statistical process control systems
- If using a spindle lifting cable (such as 21JZA295), it must now be attached to the top of the spindle due to the tapped hole being removed
- The spindle stop screw (under the dust cap) is metric - M2.5x0.45, so if using lifting levers (forked style), then a new spool-shaped stop screw is needed (101171); Or a complete, new lifting lever assembly could be purchased (21EZA198)
See the Data Sheet for additional details.