High Voltage Differential Probe (1500 V peak, 200 MHz)
Teledyne Test Tools new T3HVD range of high voltage differential probes are wide bandwidth active differential voltage probes, featuring models with bandwidths up to 200 MHz bandwidth, voltages up to ± 7000 V (DC + Peak AC), fast and accurate waveform capture, measurement accuracy of ± 2 % and low test circuit loading. These probes can be used with any oscilloscope having a 1 MΩ BNC input.
- Power electronics.
- Multi-phase motor drives (electric vehicles, etc).
- Inverters and power conversion.
- Domestic and industrial photo-voltaic (PV) system design.
- General vehicle electronics.
- Power supply design.
- Floating voltage measurements.
- Domestic appliances (washing machines, induction hobs, etc).
- Research and development.
- Universities, general electronics and education.