Sampling Scope Adapter
The Keysight N5477A sampling scope adapter makes the InfiniiMax III probing system fully compatible with the Infiniium 86100 DCA sampling scope family. With the N5477A, the DCA modules have 30 GHz of probing, increasing their performance and flexibility. Previously the 86100 DCA wideband sampling oscilloscope was limited to 13 GHz of probing, but with the N5477A sampling scope adapter and the InfiniiMax III probe, the 86100 DCA can now probe up to 30 GHz. The N5477A connects directly to 3.5 mm male bulkheads, such as the trigger input on the 86100 Series mainframes or the electrical channels of the 86112A, 86105C, 86105D-141, 86108B-LBW and other modules.