Higher Accuracy Lower Noise/ASIC Technology
Each individual InfiniiMax RC probe amplifier contains its own frequency response data. As with the InfiniiMax III and III+ probe amp, the unique s-parameters of the InfiniiMax RC probe amp are stored in the probe amp and are used with the s-parameters of the various probe heads to further flatten the magnitude and phase response of the probe for high accuracy measurements.
A proprietary ASIC technology is utilized for the InfiniiMax RC probe to accommodate the highest performance needs and is unmatched by any product in the market. The technology enables an auto-switchable 1:1 and 4:1 attenuation ratio of the probe for superior noise performance while maintaining the maximum 25 GHz bandwidth. At a 1:1 attenuation ratio, the probe provides 25 nV/√(Hz) of excellent spectral noise density referred to the input of the probe, which is comparable to the market-leading InfiniiMax II 1169B/68B probes.