IT6300 series is high-performance programmable triple channels DC power supply, each output voltage and current can be setfrom0 tomaximum rated output.This series provides series connection, parallelconnectionand synchronous functions ofchannel, which offer multi-purpose solutions forcustomerstest.IT6300 seriesis with high resolution1mV / 1mAand remote sense function, which make the test more accurate. Withbuilt-in standard USB / RS232 / GPIB communication interface,IT6300 seriesgreatly enhance the communication speed, and customersalsocanadjust the digital step value byusing the cursorto to facilitate the operation.
Track mode
CH1 and CH2, CH2 and CH3, or all three channels to be set as track mode, if any one channel parameter changed, the corresponding parameters of the other channels will also change in direct proportion.
For example, set up voltage and current of CH1 and CH2 to be CH1:4V, 1A; CH2:8V, 2A. Set CH1 and CH2 in track mode, in output off and Meter state, VFD is shown below: