General Pipe Cleaners COCS - Thirteen-Piece Cutter Set for PS92
COCS Combination Cutter Set (Accessory)
- SHD - Spear Head starting drill gets water flowing
- 3SCB - 3" Side Cutter Blades for cutting and scraping
- 4SCB - 4" Side Cutter Blades for cutting and scraping
- 2UC - 2" U-Cutter for cutting and scraping
- 3HDB - 3" Heavy-Duty Saw Blade for roots and other stoppages
- 4RSB - 4" Rotary Saw Blades for roots other stoppages
- RTR-2 - Large Retrieving Tool for removing loose objects and broken cables
- LE-3 - 26" Flexible Leader helps cable get around right bends and traps
- AH - Arrow Head starting drill gets water flowing
- 1-1/2 UC - 1-1/2" U-Cutter for cutting and scraping
- 2SCB - 2" Side Cutter Blades
- RTR-1 - Small Retrieving Tool for removing loose objects and broken cables
- LE-1 - 13" Flexible Leader helps cable get around tight bends and traps