Overall setup
First, you have to make sure that all the Pcam connectors in which you want to insert the FFC cable are open. Pull the black plastic tab on the edge of the connector out, away from the opening of the connector. This opens the connector, as it can be seen in the first image bellow.
Insert the FFC with the contacts facing up, toward the Pcam 5C PCB. The blue side (without contacts exposed) should be facing down on the Pcam side. Repeat the same procedure with the Pcam connector on the FMC Pcam Adapter, as you can see in the image number 2.
First image shows the bottom of the FMC Pcam Adapter with the connectors left open, and the second image shows the FFC cable with the contacts facing up
After this, please ensure the FFC is fully inserted, and press both sides of the black plastic tab back towards the rest of the connector to latch the FFC in. Bellow you can see two cables which are fully inserted.
Repeat the same procedure with the camera C and D. But, this time the cables should go trough the two slots which are present on the Adapter. If the cable has become disconnected from the Pcam 5C or the FMC Pcam Adapter, please repeat the steps presented above.
Two properly connected cameras, and four properly connected cameras
Finally, after you connected all the cameras, you have to connect the FMC connector to the ZedBoard. To ensure that it stays firmly in place you should use one or two bolts as you can see in the image bellow.
Final Setup
To see the UART communication channel, open a terminal program on your computer set to 115200 baud rate, 8 data bits, no parity bit and 1 stop bit. On startup, the ZedBoard will show feed-back and error messages on the serial console.
Serial terminal that shows the Init. message
If a camera is unconnected you will receive an warning message. The program will skip this warning and will start to initialize the rest of the cameras.
Serial terminal that shows the Init. message and the incorrectly init of camera A