Aaronia HyperLOG 30250 - Ultra Broadband Antenna
The Aaronia HyperLOG 30250 is a powerful Log periodic antenna that provides a frequency of up to 25GHz which covers Tetra/BOS, directional radio, miscellaneous satellite applications, etc.
With their log-periodic measurement antennas from the HyperLOG® 30xxx series, Aaronia finally offers a very cost-effective alternative, which at the same time meets the highest expectations. In conjunction with the HyperLOG® antennas, every regular spectrum analyzer becomes a fully professional directional RF measurement device within a few moments. Thus, a perfect "dream team" for EMC measurement in the laboratory or outdoor use is at your disposal.
The TEFLON LogPer antennas of the HyperLOG® 30xxx series are identical to those of the 60xxx series, but have an enhanced frequency range down to 380MHz, particularly for coverage of the important TETRA band. After a huge amount of complex development, a whole series of truly high-tech antennas has evolved, with an exceptional mix of performance, functionality, and design in this price category.