Rigol EMC Pre-Compliance Instrumentation

DSA815 Spectrum Analyzer for Pre-Compliance testing

DSA815 Spectrum Analyzer makes precompliance testing easier and more affordable than ever before!

It's time to rethink your EMI tests. A DSA815 Spectrum Analyzer can make the measurements R&D or test engineers need to check designs before the time and expense of a complete 3rd party verification. Save one extra trip to the compliance lab by finding a problem early and the instrument pays for itself. If your company has a dedicated EMC lab, make more efficient use of equipment and resources by adding affordable, easy to use spectrum analyzers for benchtop testing. Save consulting fees by finding issues sooner and identifying causes at the board or layout level instead of in a complete product’s verification test. Whether your EMC headache is the money and time spent at the EMC lab or the opportunity cost of reengineering work Rigol's DSA815 is your solution!

DSA815 Spectrum Analyzer for Pre-Compliance testing
  • Less than $1500 – less than the cost of a trip to the lab
  • Make limit lines for the EMI tests you need
  • Load correction tables for your antenna and connection
  • Set scans as quickly as 10 ms for a first look
  • Use RBWs down to 100 Hz to find error sources
  • Add the EMI option to use the quasi-peak detector for even more accurate readings
  • Add the VSWR and Tracking Generator options to characterize antennas, filters, and more
  • Use multiple traces, setups, and math functions to compare signals
  • Compact, lightweight design for portable benchtop measurements or site surveys without the cart
  • Large, bright display with easy to use markers, peaks, and advanced measurements

Rigol's EMC Precompliance kit includes:
  • Near Field Probe set
  • UltraSpectrum software for PC control of your spectrum analyzer
  • Microsoft Excel sheets for creating limits and corrections
  • Microsoft Excel sheet and LabVIEW example for collecting data

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