Compliance West University Archives

In the following short articles and clips, some general information about hipot testing and connection and use of Compliance West products are displayed. Please click on the link to see the information.

AC Leakage Current Determination

The problem:

Some standards or companies rely on AC hipot testing over DC hipot testing. This can cause a problem if there are motors, capacitors, or other components with a connection between live conductors and ground. Depending on the capacitance of the connection, leakage current can be developed during the hipot test that can possibly overcome the capabilities of the hipot tester, causing a false failure indication.

This is due to the AC waveform, which goes from a positive peak voltage to a negative peak voltage and back again 60 times a second. This change in voltage causes the capacitance to charge, discharge and charge again for each peak value. This charging takes current, and it is called leakage current. The current is developed by the hipot tester, and if the leakage current is too large, the hipot tester may be asked to develop current which is more than it is set to deliver. The hipot tester interprets this leakage current as a failure, stops the test, and lights the FAIL light. However, there may not be anything wrong with the EUT.

Determining the leakage current of the EUT

You can determine the expected leakage current of the EUT by measuring the capacitance and applying a formula as noted below. This will give you a rough idea of whether the hipot tester you are using is capable of performing the test.

Measure the capacitance: You are only concerned with the primary capacitance to ground, so you may be able to make this determination from the AC power plug of the EUT. Make sure all primary switches are closed, and short the hot and neutral wires together. Using a DMM, measure the capacitance between the hot and neutral wires shorted together, and the ground of the EUT. (After you obtain the measurement, be sure to remove the short.)

Using the formula I = 377VC, find the leakage current I (in amps) by multiplying the voltage that your hipot test is conducted at (V) by the capacitance you measured between line and ground (C), and multiplying that product by 377. This will give you the anticipated leakage current I (in amps).

Check the specifications of the hipot tester you are using to see if it can deliver this current. If not, you will probably need to find a higher capacity tester. If so, the suggestions in the next section may help.

The solution:

The leakage current limit of the tester may not be set to the maximum. You may be able to increase the leakage limit trip point.

The ramp time may be set too fast. The problem is magnified during the ramping portion of the test, where the hipot tester is raising the voltage from 0 to the testing voltage. Try slowing down this ramp time to see if that reduces or eliminates the false failures.

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GF-30ac: Setting the Pass / Fail point

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Overview: The high current ground bond test is required by many European safety agencies. In this test, 25A* is passed through the grounding connection between the frame and the green wire grounding connection of the equipment being tested. The safety agencies do not include the resistance of the cables used to test the grounding circuit, and the following procedure allows this cable resistance to be ignored.

The actual test cableset must be used for this setup. If the test cableset is changed, this procedure must be repeated.

*Minimum. If required the GF-30ac can be set to 30A by the factory as a no charge option; please advise at the time of the order. The GF-40ac is also available for 40A ground bond test requirements. The Pass/Fail point settings are the same for all testers.

Set the pass/fail point of 0.1 ohms on the GF-30ac Ground Bond tester

  1. Safety Agencies set the 0.1 ohm pass/fail point ignoring the resistance of the connection cables. To set the GF-30ac to ignore the cable resistance, a simple setup is done using the actual cables you will use during the production line test. To perform this test, use the heavy duty (10AWG) Return lead and the 14AWG cordset packaged with the GF-30ac, and connect them to the front panel of the GF-30ac.

  2. Take the other ends of the two wires and connect them to the 0.1 ohm resistor on the rear panel as shown below. We provide a connector for use between the ground of the cordset (middle connection) and the resistor with an alligator clip. In the nest step you will use a screwdriver as shown to set the red and green lights on the front panel to light simultaneously.

  3. As shown below, push the test button and hold it while turning the screwdriver from side to side to get both the red and green lights to come on at once. This will set the GF-30ac to indicate test results properly.

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Designing Hipot Test Stations Overview

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Dielectric Withstand (Hipot) testing is the most accepted method of ensuring that primary wiring and components are isolated from the safety ground. When combined with a ground continuity test to ensure integrity of the safety ground between the appliance and the building ground, the manufacturer has ensured that a fault within the appliance is unlikely and should it occur, mains power will be removed by the building breaker in a reasonable amount of time.

The dielectric withstand test involves applying a high potential between current carrying primary parts and the safety ground of the appliance. The high voltages involved in this test are dangerous and the manufacturer should take steps to protect test personnel while the dielectric test is being conducted.

Hipot Test Stations can be made so the operator is protected from shock. Each application differs, but the manufacturer should plan his test station with the following defenses in mind:

  1. Hipot Tester Design and Building Safety Ground Issues
  2. Personnel Training
  3. Test station location and design
  4. Non-conducting barriers
  5. Interlocks
  6. Periodic function checks

Hipot Tester Design

Hipot Equipment Design:

The first line of defense is the inherent safety of the Hipot test equipment. No matter the front panel architecture, all Hipot testers have a high voltage output and a return, which is bolted to the chassis, and then bolted to the green wire of its power supply cord, and then to the building ground. This is the primary line of defense against operator shock. It is imperative that the outlet being used to power the Hipot tester be the three wire (NEMA 15P) type and be grounded in accordance with NFPA codes.

Importance of the Safety Ground

This is so important because we are relying on the Hipot tester to provide ground to the device being tested as well, because the device being tested is not connected to the building ground while the Hipot test is being conducted. It is the responsibility of the

Hipot tester ground to keep the chassis of the device being tested at ground potential in the event of a Hipot test failure. If the Hipot tester ground is faulty, the chassis of the device being tested could be at any potential up to the voltage being output by the Hipot tester. Further, with no ground, leakage current will not flow and the Hipot tester leakage current limit may never be met, and the high potential may be available on the chassis of the device being tested for the length of the Hipot test.

Finally, since the Hipot tester leakage current limit circuit will not work without a good ground, bad product will seem to be passing the Hipot test, resulting in unsafe products being shipped.

Operator safety is a part of Hipot Test Design

If the Hipot tester is connected to a properly grounded receptacle, the Hipot test can be conducted in a very safe manner. The operator clips a return lead to the chassis of the device being tested, and (if the Hipot tester also tests for ground continuity) the safety ground wire of the device under test is also connected to the tester. The tester checks for continuity between these two points, and if there is any resistance in the circuit, the Hipot test cannot start. This assures there is good ground provided to the device being tested.

Since the return lead of the tester is essentially bolted to building ground, the chassis of the device under test is held at ground potential throughout the Hipot test. Even if a fault is found during the Hipot test, the low power available from the Hipot tester (with respect to the current carrying ability of the return lead bolted to building ground) is easily passed through the safety ground circuit with no change in potential of the chassis of the device being tested.

Exposed live parts during a Hipot test

If the device being tested is a complete assembly with an enclosure and provided with a

NEMA 15R three-wire cordset, and a properly grounded Hipot tester is used to conduct the test, there is little chance that the operator will come in contact with high voltage.

However, tests with products using a two wire polarized plug or products using a junction box for connection to building power (flying black, white and green leads instead of a power supply cord) could expose the operator to high voltage.

Safety hazards while testing two-wire products

Two wire products use a polarized plug to connect to building power. The return lead of the Hipot tester is connected to the chassis of the device under test, but since there is no building ground provided by the green safety ground wire, a ground continuity check cannot be conducted before the hipot test is run. If the return lead is defective or a good connection is not made with the return lead to the chassis of the device under test, then the chassis could be floating and be a shock hazard. There is no way for the hipot tester to detect this problem, so it is imperative that operators be properly trained. The equipment, especially the return lead, should also be functionally tested on a frequent basis.

Safety Hazards while testing products with flying power leads

In this case, high voltage is applied to the exposed white (neutral) and black (power) leads. High potential voltage is exposed while conducting this test. Operator training is necessary in this case. In addition, a fixture, guards, or an interlocked door may be necessary to protect the operator against contact with high voltage.

Personnel Training

Training must go past “here is the button, push it and stand back” level. In addition to being trained in proper machine operation from the Hipot tester manual, the operator should be advised of the hazards of high voltage and where the high voltage appears on the test.

There are two less obvious points that are extremely important to safe Hipot test operation:

  1. Proper connection of the ground lead: It is imperative that the operator make a good ground connection with the return lead of the Hipot tester. As noted above, in certain configurations the hipot tester cannot test for a good ground before applying high voltage, so safe testing is solely on the shoulders of the operator’s ability to make a good connection with the return lead.
  2. High voltage and return leads are to be left connected until the Hipot meter reads zero volts. Disconnection of either lead before all voltage is discharged can leave voltage in the power supply of the device being tested. (The author recalls getting shocked due to improper bleeding after a hipot test by a television shipped overnight to California from China packed in foam.) This is a concern and the problem is not obvious. Further, it adds time to the test, and the operator is always urged to complete testing as quickly as possible, so words about this problem are warranted.

Test Station Location and Design

The test station should be located in a quiet area away from the normal factory flow. It should be marked and untrained personnel should be excluded.

If at all possible a main power disconnect should be installed and suitably marked so anyone will be able to shut off power to the area.

The bench used should be non-conductive. It is recommended that free area surround the non-conductive bench to preclude operator contact in an emergency.

ESD workstations are not acceptable for the Hipot Test station.

Make sure the power provided from the building source of supply is grounded in accordance with NFPA codes. This is extremely important as noted above.

Arrange the equipment on the bench in a logical fashion. It may be possible to arrange the hipot tester so the operation buttons are at the far end of the test area, so the operator can operate the tester without any reason to be near the device being tested while high voltage is flowing.

Non-conducting Barriers

When products with exposed leads, two wire cords or when additional separation of the device being tested and the operator is desired, non-conducting barriers can be used between the operator and the device being tested. This can be something as simple as a plastic barrier which is put in place after the electrical connections have been made. It is not to be moved while the hipot test is in progress; and is moved afterwards to connect the next device under test. More elaborate non-conductive enclosures with doors can be fabricated by companies such as Industrial Automation Systems ( for custom uses. The doors of such an enclosure can be fitted with interlocks which prevent hipot operation unless closed.

Interlocks and Warning Lights


Hipot testers can be fitted with interlocks to prevent or stop high voltage flow when the circuit is broken. Normally, two terminals are provided on the rear panel of the Hipot tester. When the tester is shipped from the factory, these terminals are shorted with a jumper. The manufacturer then places switches in line with these terminals. These switches are wired to safety switches which must be closed before the hipot tester can apply high voltage to the device being tested. In addition, properly designed interlocks will stop testing immediately when a switch is opened.

Applications include placing switches on enclosure doors so the circuit closes with the door. No hipot testing can take place while the door is open, thus shielding the operator from contact with the device being tested. Another application would be two switches placed far enough apart so the operator must operate each with only one hand. Two hands on the switches means no hands in the high voltage.

Warning Lights:

Hipot testers can be fitted with dry contacts to allow the manufacturer to fit a light which is illuminated when high voltage is flowing to warn personnel to stay away from the area.

Periodic Function Checks

As noted above, it is important to make sure the hipot tester and cablesets used are functional on a frequent basis. Function testers like the Compliance West USA Model HTT-1 can test the hipot easily, and leads can be checked for continuity quite quickly. It is recommended that these checks be performed on a shift-by-shift basis, or daily if one shift is used. Proper operation of the Hipot Tester is important not only to catch problems with the devices being tested, but to provide safety to the operator.

Comments and questions

This information is presented to the testing community in the hope of providing some ideas to keep operators and products safe. The author invites comments, especially information pertaining to any errors or omissions. If there are any questions, he will answer to the best of his ability. Please contact Jeff Lind at the address below, email, or call 858-481-6454.

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TestLink: Setup of the Cableset between HT and GF testers

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Overview: The HT-2000, HT-2800 and HT-3000 Hipot Testers can be used with the GF-30ac 25A Ground Bond Tester to allow the high current ground bond test to be conducted at the same time as the Hipot Test with the TestLink cableset. When the TestLink cableset is connected as shown in this paper, a press of the TEST button on either the Hipot or Ground Bond tester will initiate the test sequence:

  1. Ground Current Test. If the ground impedance is 0.1 ohms or less, then the test is deemed successful and the Hipot test is begun.
  2. If the Hipot test is successful, the test terminates with all three green lights illuminated on the Hipot tester.

TestLink cableset connections

  1. If equipped with this feature, the HT and GF testers can be connected together with the TestLink cableset to allow the Ground Bond and Hipot tests to be conducted together.
  2. The TestLink cableset consists of two cablesets; a DB-9 cable and a two conductor custom cableset terminated at one end with a NEMA 15P plug and the other with two banana jacks.
  3. The Front Panel connectons are made on the GF Ground Fault tester only. This is shown on the picture below. The cable with green tape on it is the test cable that is connected to the product being tested, and should be ignored for the TestLink setup.
  4. Take the other ends of the two wires and connect them to the rear panel of the HT Hipot tester. Note RED to RED, BLACK to BLACK. Also, connect the DB-9 on the rear panels of each tester together with the supplied cable.
  5. Check the position of the GROUND CHECK switch on the rear panel of the HT Hipot Tester. For proper operation of the TestLink combination, it must be in the ON position.

This completes the setup. The two testers should function together, with the GF Ground

Bond test completing first, followed by the HT Hipot Test. The Test Results are shown on the front panel of the HT Hipot Tester. Three green lights indicate a successful test.

Use of a TestLink-configured HT Hipot Tester in standalone mode

  • The HT Hipot Tester, if configured with TestLink capability, will be equipped with a DB-9 dongle attached to the rear panel with a cord. For proper use in standalone mode (without a GF Ground Bond Tester attached), the dongle must be connected to the DB-9 connector on the HT rear panel.

Use of the GF Ground Bond Tester in standalone mode

  • No connections are necessary to use the GF Ground Bond Tester in standalone mode.
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HTT-1 Switch Position Actions

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Scope: The HTT-1 is a functional test device which verifies proper operation of a hipot tester’s three main circuits; ground continuity, leakage from primary to ground, and arcing from primary to ground.

HTT-1 Simulating a Passing Product

In this scenario, the HTT-1 simulates a product with good ground continuity and proper isolation of primary current carrying parts from ground. To simulate a passing product, the HTT-1 front panel switches are set pointing to the GREEN arrows.

For the “ALL GREEN” switch position, the continuity between the RETURN lead of the HTT-1 and the grounding pin of the cordset of the HTT-1 should be 0 ohms.

For the “ALL GREEN” switch position, the neutral pin of the cordset and the return lead are open.

HTT-1 Simulating a product with an Open Ground

The HTT-1 simluates a product having no connection between the grounding pin of the power supply cord and exposed dead metal.

For the HTT-1 simulation of the “Open Ground” product, the grounding pin of the power supply cord and the return lead are OPEN.

HTT-1 Simulating a product with High Leakage Current from Mains conductors to Ground

In order to perform the functional check for a high leakage condition, the HTT-1 shorts primary live parts to the RETURN lead.

For the HTT-1 simulation of a High Leakage Condition, the RETURN lead is shorted to the neutral pin of the cordset of the HTT-1.

HTT-1 Simulation of an Arcover to ground

In this scenario, the HTT-1 simulates a miswired or improperly assembled product which has a small gap between primary parts and ground.

In the case of simulating insufficient spacing from primary parts to ground, a continuity test will show the same readings as when the HTT-1 is simulating a correctly assembled product. In this case, there is a spark gap presented inside the HTT-1 between the neutral pin of the cordset and the RETURN lead. This gap is designed to flash over at between 500 and 900 volts. When operating properly, the hipot tester will indicate a failure and the small spark generated can be viewed through the ARC VIEW window on the front of the HTT-1.

NOTE: Not all hipot testers are equipped with an arc detection feature. If the hipot tester being functionally tested does not feature arc detection, do not conduct this test.

NOTE: If the FAIL HIPOT TEST switch setting does not register as a failure, and your hipot tester has an arc detection feature, carefully check the ARC VIEW window to ensure that a spark was generated. If no spark can be seen, the HTT-1 may need service.

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